Ask the Mayor to show climate leadership

February 12th, 2023 No Comments »

Dear SF Tomorrow members & friends –

So many of the pressing needs confronting our elected officials, from health crises to housing or lack thereof, are exacerbated by the ever-increasing climate catastrophes besetting our warming planet. And now it’s City budget time again, with competing funding requests looming.

SF Climate Emergency Coalition and allies are urging Mayor Breed to include funding in her budget proposal for SF Environment Department (SFE) to continue implementing the City’s Climate Action Plan. The request is for $6.6 million, reasonable in a budget of around $14 billion. Please chime in: Details and letter-writing tools are here.

Given the budget crunch, if the Mayor does not hear from a lot of organizations and individuals, we fear she will not fund the asks, and that means SFE will not be able to adequately staff and manage key programs. And any setback now means at least a year’s delay in meeting SF’s climate goals, as well as staff work wasted and opportunities missed for federal and state grants.


The Commission on the Environment, which approved SFE’s budget request this past Tuesday, then wrote the Mayor an excellent letter, worth a read.

San Francisco Tomorrow has signed on to a letter to the Mayor. Its important that you, as an individual constituent, add your voice too. Please write to the Mayor now – or at least before February 21st. And/or, if you want to, you can sign this petition to the Mayor too – quick & easy.

Thank you!


Board of Directors

San Francisco Tomorrow

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