SFT’s ballot arguments on H and I filed for Voter’s Handbook
Yes on Proposition H!
We strongly support kids playing soccer on natural grass fields, not on toxic turf that washes chemicals into the aquifer.
Removing this turf every 8 years is costly and requires special handling.
Stadium lighting will affect bird navigation, wildlife and the enjoyment of dark skies at Ocean Beach.
YES on “H”. Vote NO on “I”.
No on Proposition I!
The City states that the Beach Chalet fields must be renovated with artificial turf and night lights because kids need more play time. This is incorrect. Artificial turf and light will not significantly increase play time for youth soccer. Almost 90% of the increased play time would be for adult soccer play when the bright field lights they are proposing will be on until 10 pm every night.
Vote No on I and Yes on H. Protect Golden Gate Park and keep it healthy and natural for everyone!
San Francisco Tomorrow